[color:19d1=cyan]Subject:applikasi utk admin
sertakan data dri X-an,n negara dmn X-an tnggal.N jg alasan knp X-an ttarik n bminat dgg posisi admin mig33.
staff mig33 akn me"riksa smua cta"n X-an sblum mrk mmutuzk apkh X-an layak ato tidak mjgd kandidat admin mig33.
N jg krn ap..?
Karena,mugkn ada lowongan utk admin mig33,tp kn belum tntu ada lowongan dr negara X-an.
send to [color:19d1=violet]
subject: apply to be an admin.
Message: dear sir..
I would like to be an administrator for indonesian.
I am....( id/nick kita), I am....(umur kita) years old,come from.....(nationality/negara kita).
I have been joined mig33 almost 6 months already.
Please give me chance to help all of chatters in indonesian area froom flooders,multikickers.
Thank you for your attention sir.
if you want to an administrator of mig33 then first you muzt register your self on mig33fans.
Jika kmu ign mjd calon admin mig33.Ptma km hruz mndaftar di mig33fans by following link:
Http://www.mig33fans.com[/color]posted by [color:19d1=yellow]aden13[/color]
Thankz so much to aden13
[color:19d1=cyan]Send to:[/color]
[color:19d1=cyan]subject : aply to be an administrator
message :
dear mig33 team.
I wish there is a possible opportunitx to work in your teams as an administrator.
I am sure that my experience as a nice migger and good english writter.
I hope that I may be granted as an administrator yours truly.
.....(id kita), i was born in (isi tgl,bln n thn lhr.Contoh:november,12,198....), come from indonesia.
Tambh kn jg ap yg mjd keahlian km.
Mis: webmaster,programer etc.[/color]
[color:19d1=cyan]posted by: [color:19d1=yellow]tanto_22[/color]
Jgan kirm em@il berulang,email X-an akn dianggap tdak sah,email X-an hnya akn dianggap spam.
( G00D LUCK )[/color]